
Effectiveness of Social Media..

Social Media and It's Effectiveness

I saw a report published by Harvard Business review regarding effectiveness of Social Media. The result I saw was there is not very much support with respect to Social Media. But one thing we can see is that the report is published before two year so the statics may be changed now.
Whatever we do to improve our business or market we always think about what is the ROI?? In case of our ROI is very good then it’s very much appreciated but if it’s not very effective than we are wasting our money!! 

Wherever you see you can find that all will say Social Media Marketing is very effective and its todays need, but they will not tell how much effective it is.?? A country like India where more than half of the population don't know what Internet is, than how we can say its “very effective”?? I am not opposing the Social Media Marketing and I am fan of social media but at the end of the day it’s all about our investment. How much we are investing in Social Media Marketing and how much we are getting from it.  If our ROI is good then it’s very good for the business but if it’s not helping then you are wasting your money. So for every business which is running behind the Social Media it’s very important to analyze that how much our Social Media Marketing is effective to the market.??

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